2013.09. – 2019.02. Ph.D. Department of Korean Language and Literature, Yonsei University
2012.03. – 2013.08. MS, Department of Korean Language and Literature, Yonsei University
2008.03. – 2012.02. BS, Department of Korean Language and Literature, Yonsei University
2024.03. – Present Assistant Professor, Global Leaders College, Yonsei University
2019.03. – 2024.02. Assistant Professor, Busan University of Foreign Studies
관심 분야 & 성과
Korean Language Education, Korean Linguistics, Korean Discourse & Grammar
[Research Projects]2022 Overseas Korean Language Researcher Training Program Consignment Project, National Institute of Korean Language
2021 Project for the Operation of Online King Sejong Institutes in the Russia, Southwest/Central Asia Region, King Sejong Institute Foundation
2021 Project on the Implementation of User’s Comments & Content updates for the Korean-Foreign Language Learners’ Dictionary, National Institute of Korean Language
[Publications]Kim, K. H. (2022), A Discourse Grammar Study on Korean Directives Speech Acts(한국어 지시화행의 담화문법 연구), PARKIJBOOK.
Kang, H. H., Nam, S. H., Jang, C. R., Hong, Y. J. & K. H. ,Kim. (2022), Discourse and Korean Grammar Education(담화와 한국어 문법교육), BOGOSA.
Kang, H. H., Lee, H. J., Nam, S. H., Jang, C. R., Hong, Y. J. & K. H. ,Kim.(2017), A Study on Similar Korean Grammar Items According to the Discourse Functions(담화 기능에 따른 한국어 유사 문법 항목 연구), HANGEULPARK.
Kang, H. H., Lee, H. J., Nam, S. H., Jang, C. R., Hong, Y. J. & K. H. ,Kim.(2016), Korean Education Grammar(한국어교육 문법: 자료편), HANGEULPARK.
[Journal Article]Kim, K. H. (2024). Study on Regional Cultural Literacy for Korean Education – Focusing on Locality of Busan, Korean Journal of General Education 18(1), pp. 221-233.
Nguyen, H. M. & K. H., Kim(2024). A Comparative Analysis of Funeral Thank-You Speeches in South Korea and Vietnam. -Focusing on Discourse Structure and Strategies-, The Education of Korean Language and Culture 17(2), pp.25-46.
Kim, K. H.(2023), The Study on Korean Discourse Grammar as Educational Grammar – Focused on Research Trends and Issues -, Urimalgeul 98, pp.203-229.
Nguyen, T. N. L. & K. H., Kim(2022), A Comparative Analysis Study on the Use of Korean Refusal Speech Acts Strategies by Korean Native Speakers and Vietnamese Korean Learners, Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture 19(3), pp.261-294.
Kim, K. H. (2022), A Study on the Development of Education Content for Teaching Interview Speech to Korean Language Learners for Employment Purposes, The Journal of Humanities and Social science 13(5), pp.3893-3908.
Kim, K. H. (2022), A Study on Teaching Methods of Current Korean for Overseas Students – Focusing on the Analysis of Current Issues and Affairs Textbook – , Culture and Convergence 99(4), pp.923-935.
Kim, K. H. (2022), Linguistic Consideration of Korean Spiteful Speech So-called ‘Makmal’, Urimalgeul 92, pp.79-99.
Kim, K. H. (2022), A Study on the Counterfactual Expressions for Korean Learners, The Studies of Korean Language and Literature 72, pp.575-594.
Lim, J. S. & K, H., Kim. (2020), A Study on the Development of Korean News Literacy Teaching Models for Academic Purposes Learners Using Blended Learning, KOREAN EDUCATION 125, pp.379-416.
Kim, K. H. (2020), Study on the Effects and Limitations of Blended Learning-based College Lectures in Online Courses, Korean Journal of General Education 14(5), pp.239-249.
Kim, K. H. (2020), A Study of the System of Korean Directive Speech Acts, The Korean Language and Literature 191, pp.5-40.
Kim, K. H. (2020), A Study on Instructional Design of Korean Grammar Based on Flipped Learning: Focused on University Undergraduate Courses for International Students, Journal of Bangyo Language and Literature 54, pp.189-222.
Kim, K. H. (2019), A Discourse Analysis Study on Korean Notices in Public Restrooms: Focused on the Language Strategies Used in Restroom Notices, Journal of Speech Communication 45, pp.1-36.
Kim, K. H. (2019), The study on hedging strategies of command function for Korean language education, Foreign Languages Education 26(2), pp.187-211.
Kim, K. H. (2019), Study on Korean Public Discourse Function of Consolation: Focused on the Memorial Addresses of the April 3 Jeju Incident, HAN-GEUL 80(2), pp.375-406.
Kim, K. H. (2019), A study on the Korean Grammatical Expression ‘-든가(요)’, ‘-든지(요)’ with an Directive Speech Act –Focused on a Discourse Appropriateness Intuition Test of Korean Native Speakers and Korean Learners -, Korean Language Research 54, pp.45-80.
Kim, K. H. (2019), A Study on the Hierarchy of Causal Relationship Connective Expressions for Korean Learners, The Studies of Korean Language and Literature 64, pp.329-358.
Kim, K. H. (2017), A Study on the Usage Pattern of Sentence-final Ending ‘-koyo’ in Public Hearing Discourse, Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture 14(2), pp.1-26.
Kim, K. H. (2017), A Study on Hedge ‘-goyo’, ‘-geodunyo’, ‘-nundaeyo’: Focused on the Korean Hearing Corpus, Studies in Linguistics 44, pp.35-51.
Kim, K. H. (2017), The Study on the Final Ending Expression ‘-ni’ as a Face Threatening Act(FTA): Focus on Corpus Analysis and Discourse Appropriateness Intuition Test, The Journal of Humanities and Social science 8(1), pp.427-452.
Kim, K. H. (2014), On Grammar Quotatives- A study on the Variance in which Communicative Modal Context Dicates Grammatical Expressives in Korean Language, Elsvier-Procedia(Social and Behavioral Sciences).
Kim, K. H. & J. H., Kim. (2012), A study on the meaning and semantic function of the ‘poda’ collocations, Poetics & Linguistics 23, pp.81-109.
[Award]2017.11.11. Researcher Award, International Network For Korean Language And Culture (Ink)