Issues and Concerns in International Security: Asia and Beyond

2018-05-14 17:35

2018 U.S. News and World Report에서 Homeland/National Security and Emergency Management 분야 세계 랭킹3위 대학원 프로그램인 조지메이슨대 The Schar School 교수님들을 초빙한 심포지움을 소개해드립니다.

국제정치 분야의 저명한 학자분들과 소통할 수 있는 오픈 형식의 질의응답과 리셉션도 준비될 예정입니다.

문의: 김윤아 (010-5164-6501), 또는 한국조지메이슨대학교 학장실(032-626-5017)

Date:     May 30, 2018, (14:30 – 16:30)

  • Venue:  Event Hall (G101), George Mason University Korea

 In the context of the historic summit between the leaders of North and South Korea and the upcoming U.S.-DPRK summit, the question of world safety and security has never been more relevant. A panel of distinguished scholars and experts on issues relating to international security will examine this timely topic as it relates to Asia and the world community. The unprecedented gathering of these panelists will lead a stimulating discussion on the topic of nuclear and conventional weapons as well as deterrence issues to look into the opportunities and challenges for the U.S. national security strategy in the region.  It also offers a platform to seek solutions to secure peace and stability in the world. 

We kindly invite you to this exciting event to gain greater insight into the most important topic of our time and to build network and exchange ideas among the members of the intellectual community, civic and corporate leaders, civil servants, and academics.

Please CLICK HERE to register by May 18 (Friday), 2018. For more information, please feel free to contact Hyun Jung Kim, administrative specialist to the Office of the Deans, George Mason University Korea, at or +82-32-626-5017. 


